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Kære kunstnere! Dette web-galleri er en samling af andre nedlagte web-gallerier. Hvis I er utilfredse med at I er repræsenteret så sig endelig til – og jeg vil fjerne jer hurtigst muligt! Mvh jesper@kunstmaler.dk |
Dear artists! |
Shelley Xie |
Creating art is my Hobby, creating creative artis my passion. Over the year, I open my eyesfor all kinds of media and techniques and seekingthe special one kind that my mind would claim thatI find home for it. As you can tell from my gallery, pressed flower art technique provides me endlessof possibilities to revive their lives. Digital Art is another arena that I am very interested in. I often challenge myself to create art that conveys ideaswith mind work, which I believe that is what will last. | ![]() |
Joe Xuereb |
Born in 1954, Joe Xuereb has been carving limestone sculptures since 1973. Xuereb's art is closely linkedto the prehistoric past of Malta & Gozo. over the years his work has been exhibited in various countries anMd lately his sculptures featured in the Norwegian art magazine"kunst for alle" nr.4/2004. Today Xuereb runs his own gallery which so far has welcomed visitors coming from 78 different countries. | ![]() |